Dear Careful Investor,
I know I know—it’s all over the newspapers and the TV news. The “talking heads” are telling us that real estate’s hurting bad right now, and this is not the time to invest. I have a simple question: If they’re so smart, why aren’t they rich?
Well I am rich, and in this letter I want to tell you about a type of real estate that’s quite unique. That’s because…
…The Worse The Economy Gets,
The More Cash This Type of Real Estate Generates.
What kind of real estate am I talking about? It’s self-storage investing. In addition to being a great investment in a soft economy, there’s not nearly as much competition for this type of real estate. That’s because people don’t understand it.
By the end of this letter, you’ll understand the opportunity. Better yet, your head will be racing with how you can extract more profits right from your own backyard.
First let's talk about you.
If we were out somewhere having a beer, I’m guessing this is what you might say to me:
“Dave, am I asking for that much? I mean, all I want at this stage is to supplement my income with real estate. My problem is that I’m working full time, and don’t have much cash in the bank. I know I’ll be fine once I do my first deal, but how can I get that first one done?”
Is that good guess about what you’re thinking? It is?
Okay, let’s look in more depth at your situation, and break it down into four requirements:
Would you like some straight, honest talk? Here goes: There is no perfect real estate investment. That’s an odd thing for a “guru” to say, because some of them are known to scream at you with how they have the be-all, end-all investment opportunity if you just sign right here on the dotted line….
Well that’s garbage and I’m not going to insult your intelligence. Real estate can be a great opportunity if you match the right type to the right market.
For instance, if you’re trying to build condos in Florida right now, some nice men in white jackets will come and take you away.
That’s where the special opportunity comes in that I referred to above: Self-storage units work very well in down markets. Why? Here are some of the reasons:
Self storage can also work in strong economies, but it’s sometimes harder because people have more money to throw around.
Here’s what a professional appraiser has to say about the U.S. self-storage market: “Interest in this asset class, particularly from private equity firms continues to increase because of steady cash flows, high returns, and low loss ratios.
In addition, investors like the fact that there are no tenant improvement costs or leasing commissions and limited large capital expenditures.”
-Christian Sonne as quoted by Price Waterhouse Coopers
In other words, it must be doable not with big blocks of your time, but with bits and pieces of it. That’s where my self-storage investing system comes in.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand opportunities that require you to commit major time to get them off the ground. I didn’t have much time when I was a starving landscaper, and here’s the funny thing: It doesn’t get any better when you get rich.
Even after I became a multi-millionaire, I was short on time. That’s because I wanted to do more deals and take more vacations, so any investing system had to be fast and efficient.
I’ve done just that with my self-storage investing system. You do NOT need to go out and pound the pavement looking for deals. You do NOT drive around with a ladder, pounding up “We Buy Houses” signs. You do NOT “dial for dollars” by calling ads in the newspaper.
What you instead do is send out my tested and proven letters until some of them result in interested sellers. (I also have other low-time techniques that work.) Then you use my system to sift and sort the incoming responses into live deals and dead dogs.
The stupidest quote I’ve ever heard is “It takes money to make money.” No, it takes a proven system to make money. Here’s the good news: You don’t have to invent that system because it already exists.
Part of my Self Storage Riches system involves how to attract all the money you need to finance your deals.
You see, most of the late-night “no money down” gurus will have you barking up the wrong tree. Only the lousiest deals are “no money down”. The much better deals do require a down payment.
But that’s where I have more good news for you—It doesn’t have to be your money that’s being used for the down payment.
“A Realtor sent us over a deal that was absolutely amazing to us. We put it under contract. It’s a 337-unit storage complex, and is only 63% occupied. This is going to be giving us $4,000 cash flow when we get occupancy up to 95%. Thanks!.”
Steve Martell - Ottawa, Canada
There’s no point getting into a deal if it becomes a time vampire. My guess is you already have enough time vampires in your life.
This is where self-storage deals really shine. Because a self-storage facility doesn’t house people, the rules are way simpler than dealing with tenants.
If a renter at your storage facility doesn’t pay, you simply “overlock” the door with your own padlock. That prevents the renter from getting to his stuff until he pays you.
He still doesn’t pay? No need to hear sob stories or deal with an eviction—the renter’s stuff is auctioned off relatively quickly.
For the vast majority of renters who do pay, just think how little maintenance there is: No toilets, no kitchens, no electrical service other than simple lights, and no kids living there.
You can even keep an eye on your entire property while someone else runs it by using cheapo “web cams” that hook to a computer over the Internet!
You know as well as I do that no investment is perfect for everyone. So who’s a good and bad fit for self-storage investing?
If your idea of investing is the hands-on sweat equity approach of rehabbing a property in order to increase its value, then self storage is not for you. There’s not much to break down and therefore not many things to repair.
You may also not like self storage facilities if you want to create a “community” at your property. Self storage is kind of an impersonal investment. There are a bunch of locked rooms, and only occasionally will you see a renter drive to any one unit.
On the other hand, many people feel no need to get cozy with their investments. They just want them to generate cash flow and profits.
Self-storage facilities are great that way.
There’s no other form of real estate where you can get as rich off small numbers. Let me explain:
Let’s say you have a dinky property with 100 units. For the sake of easy math, they’re all 10’ x 10’ size, and they rent for $70 per month. Now let’s say you decide to bump the rent on your tenants by 10%. They may not like it, but are they really going to take a day off to move all their stuff out of your unit and down the street for a lousy 7-buck increase? Unlikely.
On the other hand, look what you just got:
You not only gave yourself a raise of $700/month, but self-storage properties are valued at a multiple of cash flow.
That means in rough terms the income went up by $700 x 12 months or $8400 per year, which roughly equals an $84,000 increase in value.
All that value due to a nuisance of a rent increase!
All you have to do is apply my system in your market, and let it do its thing. What’s in this system? I’m glad you asked:
Quick Start Guide Gets You Going FAST
Are you one of those impatient types? I know I am. That’s why I created this step-by-step action plan designed to get an offer out for you in just 4 days. Is that fast enough for ya? $249.00 Value
5 Audio CDs Makes It Easy to Absorb The Entire System
Are you like me? I have a lot of “down time” in my car, and too much stuff to read at the office.
If the answer is “yes”, you’ll appreciate these 5 audio CDs I recorded. They walk you through my entire system, so you don’t have to do a ton of reading. $249.00 Value
4 Dave Live DVDs Answer All Your Questions
I review all the key concepts and answer lots of questions. These DVDs are like a bootcamp from your home.
$249.00 Value
Forms CD Takes The Drudgery Out of Investing
To be honest, forms are a pain to gather or create. Therefore, why reinvent the wheel yourself when I’ve done all the gathering and creating FOR you?
This CD contains all the forms you will need to run your self-storage business. $199.00 Value
Profit Analyzer Crunches The Numbers FOR You
I’ve found that without a clear method of analyzing deals it’s easy to never get around to doing a deal. On the other hand, when you have a clear, step-by-step approach, it becomes very simple to run the numbers on deal after deal.
My comprehensive software takes you through the entire process I use to evaluate a winner and pass on the rest. $399.00 Value
90-Day Mentoring Certificate Removes Any Barriers to Your Success
Hey, I know you don’t live where I live, and your situation’s different from everyone else’s. That’s why it’s critical to have a mentor backing you up. You need someone to answer questions before they become roadblocks.
My 90-day mentoring certificate does just that. Got questions? We answer them. Got tons of questions? No problem. We’ve been there and done that, so we can point you in the right direction quickly. $599.00 Value
Comprehensive Step-by Step Guide Leaves Nothing to the Imagination
You want detail? I give you detail in the form of 300 pages that leave out nothing whatsoever.
You will have a complete reference tool on how to locate, analyze, fund, acquire, and manage self-storage facilities. $399.00 Value
If you were to get my materials separately, they would cost you $2,343.00 It gets worse: If you were to learn all my techniques on your own, what would that cost you: $10,000? More?
On the other hand, if you simply try out my system, you can get it for just $997. That’s a 57% discount.
Plus, your investment is most likely tax deductible, which drops your investment by about 40%.
Get my entire system. Dog-ear it and mark it up all you want.
Take one full year to make absolutely certain that this system gives you everything you need to cash check after check from your self-storage deals.
You WILL be delighted—and richer—or I will rush a 100% refund back to you. No strings attached, no “return authorization” gimmicks, and no “restocking fee” rip-offs.
I got you covered.
I know what it’s like to worry about big decisions. Fortunately, this is not one of them.
All you need to do is say “maybe”. You’re in effect saying “Dave, prove to me that your system is as good as you say it is, or I get my investment back in full.”
You’ve probably driven by self-storage facilities for years, and were never sure if they would make good investments. Well, that’s what your competitors are doing, too.
With my system, you’ll be able to maximize the profit from self-storage facilities right in your own back yard. Get my system on a zero-risk basis and let me prove it to you.
You Can Thank Me Later,
David Lindahl
P.S. If you get your no-risk copy today for your review, I’ll also throw in a brand-new video tour I’ve done of a self-storage property. If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then a video’s worth…I don’t know! You tell me! It’s full of good content on how I look at deals.
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